Latest In Dental Technology
Dentistry is a profession constantly changing and adopting new technologies, developed to best suit patient needs. At Cosmetic & General Dentistry, here are some of the technologies we use to ensure that you’re provided with the best services money can buy:
Invisalign®- are clear, virtually invisible braces that gently straighten your teeth.
Dental Implants – a titanium component that can replace a missing natural tooth.
Whitening- a newly-developed whitening treatment that can be applied easily in less than an hour, leaving patients with teeth up to eight shades whiter.
Emax and Zirconia hand-made porcelain veneers and crowns
If you’d like to learn more about this procedure or discuss the best dental options available to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.
Our team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.